GANITH is an algebraic geometry tookit, used for the computation and visualization of algebraic equations. It also provides the computational mathematics infrastructure for the Shastra toolkits.
Example applications of this for geometric modeling and computer graphics are algebraic curve and surface display, curve-curve intersections, surface-surface intersections, global and local parameterizations, implicitization. GANITH also incorporates techniques for interpolation and least-squares approximation (multivariate data fitting) with algebraic curves and surfaces. The GANITH algebraic geometry toolkit manipulates arbitrary degree polynomials and power series.e It can be used to solve a system of algebraic equations Power series manipulations are used to generate piecewise rational pproximations to algebraic curves and surfaces. Arbitrary rational parametric surfaces can be displayed in GANITH, taking care of poles and base points. Animation facilities allow the visualization of entire families of algebraic curves and surfaces.
Download information is here.
Software Usage
C. Bajaj, A. Royappa
The GANITH Algebraic Geometry Toolkit
_Proceedings: 1st Annual Conference on the Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 429, Springer-Verlag, (1990), 268-269.__
S. Abhyankar, C. Bajaj
Automatic Parameterization of Rational Curves and Surfaces I: Conics and Conicoids
Computer Aided Design, 19, 1, (1987), 11-14. (pdf)
S. Abhyankar, C. Bajaj
Automatic Parameterization of Rational Curves and Surfaces II: Cubics and Cubicoids
Computer Aided Design, 19, 9, (1987), 499-502. (pdf)
S. Abhyankar, C. Bajaj
Automatic Parameterization of Rational Curves and Surfaces III: Algebraic Plane Curves
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 5:4(1988), 309-321. (pdf)
C. Bajaj, C. Hoffmann, R. Lynch, J. Hopcroft
Tracing Surface Intersections
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 5:4(1988), 285-307. (pdf)
S. Abhyankar, C. Bajaj
Automatic Parameterization of Rational Curves and Surfaces IV: Algebraic Space Curves
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 8, 4, (1989), 325-334. (pdf)
C. Bajaj, G. Xu
NURBS Approximation of Surface/Surface Intersection Curves
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2, 1, (1994), 1-21.
C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Piecewise Rational Approximation of Real Algebraic Curves
Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 15, no. 1, (1997), 55-71.
C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Spline Approximations of Real Algebraic Surfaces
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Isssue on Parametric Algebraic Curves and Applications, 23, 2-3, (1997), 315 - 333. (pdf)
C. Bajaj, R. Holt, A. Netravali
Rational Parameterizations of Nonsingular Real Cubic Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 17, 1, (1998), 1-31 (pdf)
C. Bajaj, A. Royappa
Parameterization in Finite Precision
Proceedings: Graphics Interface '92, (1992), Vancouver, Canada, Canadian Information Processing Society, 29-36.
C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Rational Spline Approximations of Real Algebraic Curves and Surfaces
Advances in Computational Mathematics, edited by H.P. Dikshit and C. Michelli, World Scientific Publishing Co., Approximations and Decomposition Series, vol 4., (1994), 73-85.
C. Bajaj
Geometric Computations with Algebraic Varieties of Bounded Degree
Proceedings: 6th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, (1990) Berkeley, California, 148-156. (pdf)