License Information
LBIE is Copyright © 2011 Computational Visualization Center, The University of Texas at Austin.
LBIE is distributed under the the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
If you find our software useful in your research, we kindly ask that you acknowledge this use by citing our relevant publications:
Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj. "Adaptive and Quality Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshing from Volumetric Data," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195(9-12):942-960, 2006.
An extended list of associated references is given at the bottom of this page.
Users interested in commercial licensing should contact
- Windows binary
- Linux binary LBIE.linux.101507.tar.gz
- Mac OSX (ppc) binary
- Mac OSX (x86) binary
* Currently the source code is distributed only for academic use. Users interested in commercial licensing should contact
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Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj
Adaptive and Quality Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshing from Volumetric Data
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME), 195(9-12):942-960, 2006.
Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj, B-S. Sohn
3D Finite Element Meshing from Imaging Data
The special issue of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME) on Unstructured Mesh Generation, 194(48-49):5083-5106, 2005.
Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Surface Smoothing and Quality Improvement of Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshes with Geometric Flow
Proceedings of 14th International Meshing Roundtable, pp. 449-468. San Diego, CA. September 11-14, 2005.