Computational Visualization Center

A cross-disciplinary effort to develop and improve the technologies for computational modeling, simulation, analysis, and visualization.


PGBFOPA, a Parallel Generalized Born Force using Octree-based Pairwise Approximation, have been implemented in order to perform fast computation of generalized Born polarization force with molecular surface-based formula using commodity multi-core CPUs and GPUs.


  • Supported computations: atomic force for the generalized Born polarization with::
    • parallel computation on GPUs using CUDA
    • parallel computation on multi-core using Cilk++
    • naive (n2)(n^2) computation for a comparison


R. Chowdhury and C. Bajaj
Algorithms for faster molecular energetics, forces and interfaces
ICES Technical Report 10-32, The University of Texas at Austin, 2010.




* Currently the source code is distributed only for academic use. Users interested in commercial licensing should contact
* Request academic license
* Download source

Library Usage

  • Here is the user guide for PGBFOPA which includes detailed installation and usage guide.